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Dott. Amedeo Milella

Education and Career History


Degree as Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at Aldo Moro University Medical School ,Bari-Italy

Italian Medical work Licenze
Registered as Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at at the Chamber of Doctors and Dentists of the Province of Bari.(Italy)


Assistant Professor

Department of Otolaryngology

Dr. med. Detlef Grün Hospital Dominikus-Krankenhaus in Düsseldorf (Germany).


Degree as Specialist in Medicine and Surgery in :

Otolaryngology and Neck Surgery at the Chamber of Physicians of North Rhine Westphalia in Düsseldorf (Germany).


Recognition of foreign credentials in order to work Under Italian Law as a Specialized Doctor in Otorhinolaryngology ((09A10518) OJ n. 205 of 04/09/2009).

First Assistant

Hospital: Klinikum-Lüdenscheid in Lüdenscheid (Germany) Department of Otolaryngology Head Physician: Dr. Med. Heino Davids.


Private professional services a specialised Doctor and Surgeon in Othorinolaringoiatry at Dr. Olaf Schmidt’s ENT consulting rooms in Krefeld (Germany); also performing othorinolaringoiatryc surgery at Helios-Klinikum (Krefeld) and Katharinen-Hospital (Willich) (Deutschland).


Private professional services a specialised Doctor and Surgeon in Othorinolaringoiatry at His prievate institution in Corigliano Calabro, Italy and he also practices as a private consultant in Reggio Calabria and in Bari (Italy).
Dr. Milella performs tests for the diagnosis of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, ear, and throat (including audiometric examination, diagnosis of vertigo and deafness, endoscopy of the nose and paranasal sinuses, fibrolaringoscopia, ultrasound of the district head and neck).
Furthermore, he performs surgery for nose, ear and petrous, the vocal cords, the major salivary glands (Gh. Submandibular ; Gh. Sublingual; Gh. Parotid), as well as procedures for pediatric otolaryngology, head and neck and traumatology and oncologic surgery of the head - / neck.

Personal Information

Dr. Amedeo Milella

Specialist in Otolaryngology and Neck Surgery at the Chamber of Physicians of North Rhine Westphalia, Düsseldorf ( Germany ).  Responsible for the ENT Operative Unit of the Klinikum Lüdenscheid in Lüdenscheid (Germany). Already responsible for the ENT Operative Unit of the "La Madonnina" Clinic of the "iGreco Ospedali Riuniti" Group in Cosenza. Head of the Otolaryngology department and Center for Ear-Microsurgery of the Medical Surgical Center HELIOS in Reggio Calabria.

Member of the Chamber of Doctors and Dentists of the Province of Cosenza ( registration no. 8001 )

Dr. Milella was born in Bari and graduated from the University of Bari and specialized at the Chamber of Physicians of North Rhine Westphalia in Düsseldorf, Germany. Dr. Milella currently lives in Corigliano-Rossano where he has established his own private Studio O.R.L.

Dr. Milella speaks Italian and German and enjoys modern and contemporary art, music and musical instruments, computers and open software, regional and international cuisine.



Diseases of the nose

The main diseases of the nose which include allergic rhinitis and acute surgery of the nose and paranasal sinuses. The disturbances of smell and loss of blood from the nose (epistaxis). Sleep-disorder breathing (OSAS).

The identification of   the main causes of each disease, the symptoms and appropriate therapy.


Disorders of the head and neck

Gastroesophageal reflux and the adequate dietary advice to limit it and infections of the major salivary glands and thyroid diseases. Faringo- / laryngitis and swallowing disorders.

A Special section for head and neck oncology, with particular attention paid to diagnosis and therapy.



Some of the diseases of the ear like otitis, in acute or chronic tinnitus. Problems related to the external ear canal, otosclerosis, cholesteatoma of the middle ear and petrous.


Dizziness and deafness

The reasons and causes of dizziness. 
Hearing problems and sudden deafness. Meniere's disease.


Pediatric Otolaryngology

The main ENT pathologies in children. The loss of blood from the nose and individual training regarding how to deal with it. Rhinosinusitis and respiratory allergies. Otitis and episodes of deafness. Mumps and the applicant. Nocturnal respiratory obstruction in children and how to diagnose it.

A Specific section dedicated to adenoids and tonsils


Voice disorders

The pathologies, diagnosis and treatment of the vocal cords: nodules, polyps and paralysis. Laryngitis in its various forms: from vocal effort, dry or gastroesophageal reflux.
 The changes to the structure of the larynx, due to changes in the voice.


Dr. Amedeo Milella deals with surgery related to otorhinolaryngology and head and neck

Surgery of deafness and diseases of the ear and the fortress-petrosa

- Pediatric Surgery ENT. Drains trans-tympanic

- Surgery of the larynx and vocal cords

- Surgery of the major salivary glands (Gh. Parotid; Gh. Submandibular; Gh. Sublingual)

- Cosmetic and functional nose surgery

- Surgery of the sinuses

- Cervico facial Traumatology

- Oncological surgery of the head and neck


- Laboratory Tests of Thyroid and the major salivary glands

Ultrasound of the Thyroid.

Ultrasound of Parotid and submandibular gland.


Nasal endoscopy

Endoscopy and nasal endoscopy in pediatrics.


Nasal endoscopy with rigid optics

Nasal endoscopy with rigid optics allows complete and accurate study of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx.


Laryngeal endoscopy

The laryngeal endoscopy with rigid and flexible optical allows for a complete study of the hypopharynx and the larynx.


Audiological assessment

Tone and Vocal Audiometry. Search for the threshold of annoyance.


Vestibular investigations

Vestibular testing allows to investigate the Vestibular Apparatus in case of vertigo.